Quickly build automation applications using SMART 4A's customized operations.
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Product Team
Primarily focused on addressing market demands, the Product Team is responsible for product design, tool development, and the implementation of application services.
Project Team
Dedicated to assisting small and medium-sized enterprises with automation consulting services and customized requirements, the Project Team works to transform projects into tangible exhibits.
Development Team
Aiming to enhance the MAKE platform, the Research and Development Team integrates additional API services for a seamless and comprehensive user experience.
Core Research
API interconnection and development to create more practical API services and assist enterprises in encapsulating APIs with GUI into MAKE.COM to achieve more integration applications.
What is SMART4A?
然而,現代生活中充斥著許多枯燥重複的工作,它們不僅讓人疲憊,還阻礙了我們去追尋那些真正能夠讓我們發光的事物。為了能夠專注於這些具有意義的追求,我們應該把那些繁瑣無趣的任務交給 AI 自動化處理。這樣,我們才能釋放出更多的時間與精力,去探索生命的更多可能性,去參與能激發創造力的事情,並加深與他人之間的連結與合作。
當我們不再被束縛於單調的事務,真正的價值與意義才能得以顯現。AI 的幫助不只是減輕我們的負擔,更是賦予我們自由,去追尋那個讓生命充滿意義的答案。
SMART4A 技術綜合體是企業數位化轉型的關鍵,它將 AI、API、Analytics 和 Automation 四大技術與應用集中到 AI Agent,讓這個智能代理既能理解需求,也能高效執行任務。這種整合不僅滿足了我們的需求,還釋放了更多時間與資源,讓我們能專注於創新和價值創造,靈活應對市場變化,推動企業持續發展。
AI 人工智慧
Artificial Intelligence to Intelligent Assistant
結合人工智慧的辨識、判斷、處理與決策。 AI 的發展為人們提供了更加智慧化的解決方案,並且大大提高了人們的工作效率。
API 應用程式開發介面
Application Programming Interface
讓不同的應用程序之間進行數據交換和通信。API 的發展使得軟體開發變得更加靈活和高效,同時也為企業提供了更好的數據管理方式,使得企業能夠更加靈活地應對市場的變化。
Analytics 數據分析
Big Data - descriptive analytics and predictive analytics
Automation 自動化
RPA and Business Process as a Service (BPass)
Operational framework
SMART4A Team 透過獨有的 Operational framework 進行運作。 APISDK.io 開發專屬的 API 與 SDK 等應用,包括處理資料交換的主機及安全性管理。也包含用戶註冊、使用期限、使用額度等控管的存取中心。ATM.tw 是我們的自動化管理系統,能夠方便用來管理個自動化平台與應用服務的管理中心。而 Make.fan 是建構於 MAKE 平台的擴充服務,專門提供 Localized API 的解決方案,並與 MAKE Globalized API 深度結合。
The SMART4A Team operates through a unique operational framework. APISDK.io develops dedicated applications such as APIs and SDKs, which include managing data exchange servers and security protocols. It also involves an access center that controls user registration, usage periods, and usage quotas. ATM.tw serves as our automation management system, providing a convenient central hub for overseeing individual automation platforms and application services. Make.fan, built on the MAKE platform, is an extension service specifically designed to offer solutions for Localized API and is deeply integrated with the MAKE Globalized API.
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